Sunday, 30 August 2015

Wake up and Make Up

So yesterday I went for a trip out with my mum. This post is going to be a little more on a personal note than about my business.

I suffer with depression and anxiety, and also chronic back pain. Oh and I was recently diagnosed with hyperhidrosis too... All of these combined make it really difficult to get up most mornings. Just actually getting out of bed uses energy, showering takes energy and usually make up is a luxury.

Anyway, I knew I'd planned to go out with my mum. So I decided to make an effort and put some make up on.

I do feel a lot more confidence when I wear make up, but my Hyperhidrosis causes huuuge problems with my face, which makes me anxious which makes it all worse; it's a vicious cycle.

But do you know what? I'm not going to let this get me down any longer!! I have embraced my body, now I need to just deal with this until I can discuss next steps with a dermatologist... So I'm being positive and using the law of attraction!

I hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend!!!

Anna xx

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