My name is Vikki and I am a Younique Presenter.
I am from Yorkshire in the UK and have lived here all my life. I am a make up freak. I love playing with make up, trying different tricks and also offer make overs and home parties. I am plus size and proud, though aiming to improve my fitness through gym and general exercise. I like Pin Up/ Vintage style. I am obsessed with Winged Eyeliner and red lips :)
About me, I work full time in a permanent job for the NHS and I took on my jobs as a presenter as a side line, but now I realise there is so much more to be gained from working with these fantastic people.
What do I enjoy?
- Cooking - Would you like to see cookery posts and healthy eating tips here too?
- Animals - I am extremely animal friendly, I own two dogs, and in the past have owned horses, hamsters, snakes, cats, mice and all sorts. I am against animal cruelty in any form and regularly get involved with petitions etc.
- Fashion - I love clothes, but as a Plus Size person, I find that many new trends are difficult to source in a size 22. So I use trial and error, mixing and matching to sort out my outfits.
- Friends - I live for my friends. I think anyone who knows me would tell you that I am one of those people who will go out of my way to help others.
- Gaming - I am addicted to World of Warcraft (and online computer game... is this normal).
- Travelling - I looove travelling, I try and get out of the country at least once a year, and I have a huge host of places on my To-Do list.... would you like to see it?
- Music - I am obsessed with music of all types :)
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