Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Who else is obsessed with a plump pout?

Okay!!! So let me just let you in on a few secrets about me. At the ripe old age (I at least feel old) of 29, I am still pretty unhappy with my lips...I have quite a plump bottom lip, but my top one is thin and shapeless.

So when the #KylieJennerChallenge came out, I decided to see if I could find a household object to get a similar effect. I'm pretty logical, so I didn't use a shot glass (like so many poor unfortunate people did). I used a plastic drinks bottle, and sure enough, it gave me so serious plumpness.

That being said, last week I purchased a very cheap, small, suction cup from the internet, and it allows me to use it on the go, it fits in my handbag and gives an even better effect.

So this is the before and after picture of me, after applying my Younique Precision Pencils in Pompous and Pristine, and my Stiff Upper Lip - Lip Stain in Sappy.

I am absolutely blown away by the change!!! (I have to apologise for the picture quality, as the second photo was taken in my bedroom late at night - but I can assure you it is definitely me)!

Below is a list of the products used. All I did was use the suction cup to reach the desired level of plumpness. Then I used my lip pencil in Pompous to lightly mark the outline of my new full pouty lips, I used the Precision Pencil in Pristine to highlight my cupids bow (Just above the top of my lips were they dip slightly in the middle) and a little bit at the centre, underneath my bottom lip - I blended these to make sure it didn't stand out too much. Then covered my lips in the ultra resistant Lip Stain in Sappy and left it to dry.  

Products Used = 3
Younique Precision Pencil in Pompous Available Here
Younique Precision Pencil in Pristine Available Here
Younique Stiff Upper Lip, Lip Stain in Sappy Available Here

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