Sunday, 30 August 2015

Wake up and Make Up

So yesterday I went for a trip out with my mum. This post is going to be a little more on a personal note than about my business.

I suffer with depression and anxiety, and also chronic back pain. Oh and I was recently diagnosed with hyperhidrosis too... All of these combined make it really difficult to get up most mornings. Just actually getting out of bed uses energy, showering takes energy and usually make up is a luxury.

Anyway, I knew I'd planned to go out with my mum. So I decided to make an effort and put some make up on.

I do feel a lot more confidence when I wear make up, but my Hyperhidrosis causes huuuge problems with my face, which makes me anxious which makes it all worse; it's a vicious cycle.

But do you know what? I'm not going to let this get me down any longer!! I have embraced my body, now I need to just deal with this until I can discuss next steps with a dermatologist... So I'm being positive and using the law of attraction!

I hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend!!!

Anna xx

Friday, 28 August 2015

Suffering from spots and hormonal breakouts?

So this is not a very flattering photo at all. But I wanted to show you some pictures of me unfiltered and unedited, to give you an idea of how I apply my daily make up.

Every month without fail I tend to break out in clusters of spots around my mouth and chin, this month I literally have the biggest spots I think I have ever had in my life, and this really knocks my confidence.

I am showing two photos side by side. One with my make up on, and one after i had removed it.

To cover my spots I started by applying a little bit of the Mineral Touch Cream foundation in Organza. I then used my Moodstruck Mineral Concealer in Fabulous with a slightly damp concealer brush to apply directly the the affected areas. I also added a little underneath my eyes to hid my dark circles.

Once I'd applied the concealer I then used my Mineral Touch Powder foundation to cover my whole face, making sure I blended the concealer on my spots and voila! Done.

I added a little Blusher and some Mascara for good measure and I was ready to go for the day :)

I can do blogs in more detail and add videos if you wish to see them :)

Happy Smiley Vikki!!!

I hope you all really enjoy your weekends and send any requests for tutorials via the comments function :)

I will now list the products I used to achieve this amazing level of coverage.

Mineral Touch Cream Foundation
Moodstruck Minerals Concealer
Concealer Brush
Touch Mineral Pressed Powder
Moodstruck Mineral Pressed Blusher
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lash Plus +

Vikki :)

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Who else is obsessed with a plump pout?

Okay!!! So let me just let you in on a few secrets about me. At the ripe old age (I at least feel old) of 29, I am still pretty unhappy with my lips...I have quite a plump bottom lip, but my top one is thin and shapeless.

So when the #KylieJennerChallenge came out, I decided to see if I could find a household object to get a similar effect. I'm pretty logical, so I didn't use a shot glass (like so many poor unfortunate people did). I used a plastic drinks bottle, and sure enough, it gave me so serious plumpness.

That being said, last week I purchased a very cheap, small, suction cup from the internet, and it allows me to use it on the go, it fits in my handbag and gives an even better effect.

So this is the before and after picture of me, after applying my Younique Precision Pencils in Pompous and Pristine, and my Stiff Upper Lip - Lip Stain in Sappy.

I am absolutely blown away by the change!!! (I have to apologise for the picture quality, as the second photo was taken in my bedroom late at night - but I can assure you it is definitely me)!

Below is a list of the products used. All I did was use the suction cup to reach the desired level of plumpness. Then I used my lip pencil in Pompous to lightly mark the outline of my new full pouty lips, I used the Precision Pencil in Pristine to highlight my cupids bow (Just above the top of my lips were they dip slightly in the middle) and a little bit at the centre, underneath my bottom lip - I blended these to make sure it didn't stand out too much. Then covered my lips in the ultra resistant Lip Stain in Sappy and left it to dry.  

Products Used = 3
Younique Precision Pencil in Pompous Available Here
Younique Precision Pencil in Pristine Available Here
Younique Stiff Upper Lip, Lip Stain in Sappy Available Here

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Hello Everyone :)

This is me making my first official blog introduction.

My name is Vikki and I am a Younique Presenter.

I am from Yorkshire in the UK and have lived here all my life. I am a make up freak. I love playing with make up, trying different tricks and also offer make overs and home parties. I am plus size and proud, though aiming to improve my fitness through gym and general exercise. I like Pin Up/ Vintage style. I am obsessed with Winged Eyeliner and red lips :)

About me, I work full time in a permanent job for the NHS and I took on my jobs as a presenter as a side line, but now I realise there is so much more to be gained from working with these fantastic people.

What do I enjoy?

  • Cooking - Would you like to see cookery posts and healthy eating tips here too?
  • Animals - I am extremely animal friendly, I own two dogs, and in the past have owned horses, hamsters, snakes, cats, mice and all sorts. I am against animal cruelty in any form and regularly get involved with petitions etc.
  • Fashion - I love clothes, but as a Plus Size person, I find that many new trends are difficult to source in a size 22. So I use trial and error, mixing and matching to sort out my outfits.  
  • Friends - I live for my friends. I think anyone who knows me would tell you that I am one of those people who will go out of my way to help others.
  • Gaming - I am addicted to World of Warcraft (and online computer game... is this normal).
  • Travelling - I looove travelling, I try and get out of the country at least once a year, and I have a huge host of places on my To-Do list.... would you like to see it?
  • Music - I am obsessed with music of all types :)
I am to use this blog to speak to a whole host of people. I am really friendly, so get in touch and give me your feedback, I want to build this for YOU :)